Fashion Trends are Overrated

I need to keep a notepad next to my bed. I have weird dreams.

Seems like waterproof hiking shoes were a good purchase, given the places I’m going and tours I’m taking.

Seems like most women do not wear rain coats. Let’s be honest, I’ll be pegged as a tourist the second I step on the street. After reading about fashion dos and don’ts, I realized that I don’t even follow fashion rules here. Why would I try to overseas? Good grief. I know how to keep it classy and goodness knows I’m not one for high heels or short skirts so, I think we’re good. Layers, hoodies, hat, scarf, who knows what else. (I might be starting to freak out a little bit, just go with it)

A night with a girlfriend is exactly what I needed – the ability to connect with people on an emotional level is something I am grateful for today.

I say ‘What are you doin’ to my cats more often than you might think. 7 years and they still get into all kinds of trouble. In the best way. They make my life more interesting, and definitely keep me on my toes. Love them.

I think having plants in a home is a necessity. I buy ones that can’t easily be killed. It’s better that way.

Building muscle is fun. Now I need to change my diet up just a bit to ensure I’m protecting that muscle (read: more protein).

I haven’t painted in over a month – I hope to do that on Sunday. Make some time to just sit and be and do. It’s been a challenge lately.

It’s supposed to be 60’s and sunny this weekend so I may actually have the opportunity to pull weeds too. A life with a yard.

I have a deluxe Scrabble board that I got for Christmas that has never been used. That really needs to be rectified.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries you guys, I’m telling you. Every character is admirable in some way – the main 4 characters especially. I could go on and on but I won’t – I tend to get a bit verbose on things like that. Just, do yourself a favor and check it out if you like that sort of thing.

Grocery store. Also something I need to do this weekend (as much as I hate it). As close as Ireland is, I still have a week of work, food, chores, and gym to complete, with a few appointments sprinkled in there.

Happy weekend.

10 Days Left.

My parents are incredibly kind, supportive, gracious and loving. I’m lucky, and I am reminded of that on a regular basis. I know this is not the first time I have mentioned that (it won’t be the last).

Yesterday was shoulders and back at the gym. Plus cardio. I drag my feet to get there but always feel great when I leave. I wonder what we’ll do today – legs I hope.

Thunderstorms might be one of my favorite things. It’s funny, as a little one I’d crawl into my parents bed during storms. When I got too old to do that, I’d hide in the closet, going so far as to bring my pillow and blanket in there to sleep. One time, at 11 years old we went to South Dakota over the summer. We were in the mountains, and a storm came up, and I hid on the floor of the backseat under a blanket. Today, I sit outside and watch. I mean, I can still get rattled. But I don’t hide in the closet anymore.

I think breakfast food is the best food. As the wise Ron Swanson (Parks & Rec) once stated: “There has never been a sadness not cured by breakfast food.” Wise words.

I don’t know about you, but I have dialogue with myself each night when I get into bed. Usually I just go over all the things I need to do, want to do, or didn’t think of all day while my mind was occupied with other things. Last night it occurred to me that I want to do yoga while in Ireland, I have an irrational fear of over-packing, and of looking like I don’t belong. I weighed the pros and cons of a hiking backpack vs. rolling luggage, whether or not I should return the $100 hiking shoes I bought and just take a chance with my sturdy Asics, and then had to talk myself out of thinking and try to force myself to sleep. Needless to say, (but I’m saying it anyway) I’m a bit tired.

I’m not afraid of crime in Ireland really. I’ve got a good deal of common sense and am aware of my surroundings. Still, I’m not going to put myself in a position where I’ll be alone on a bus late at night. (Common sense, see?) I’m not a plan-to-the-minute type person, but a general idea would be good. (Yoga at lunchtime, tours in the morning, etc). There I go again – it’s easy to do!

Well, it’s already Thursday. So, there’s that.

Life Twists

I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus. I haven’t felt the need or urge to write much as of late. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, creativity comes in waves like anything else. Or in my case, I just haven’t let the crazy out.

Ever feel as if everything in your life is up in the air? I guess that’s how I’ve been the past two weeks. Coming to some semblance of acceptance of it all has been challenging. I’ve thrown myself into the gym (did biceps and back on Saturday and I’m just now able to *almost* straighten my arms without pain) and into planning more specifics for my trip (11 days, I’m ready now).

It’s beautiful outside today – it has been rainy and cloudy lately. Today the sun is shining and it is pleasantly warm. Might have to go for a short bike ride.

So, in the 1930’s it was common to use the word ‘whatever’ where we would now use the word ‘whatsoever’ and I’m curious to know when that changed. It’s on my list of things to look up.

When I want to isolate, my friends reach out. I’m grateful for them. I have plans when I don’t want to have plans, which usually works out in my best interest because I end up having a lot of fun at said plans, when I would not have had as much fun alone. Life is funny that way.

I really hate titles.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is the latest Netflix adventure. Set in 1920 Australia. It’s awesome.

I’m tired of waking up anxious every day. What’s that about? Life is too short to worry. I wish the knowledge of that alone was enough to keep the worry away.

Cuddling cats are one of my favorite things about being home.

I love the sky, and the way it can be painted variously throughout the day.


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I wondered why barns were red. I thought perhaps that was weird until I searched Google and it was the third auto filled question.

On that note, have you ever seen debris from afar on the interstate and thought it was a body? That happened to me today. It was terrifying. Then really embarrassing.

Hot yoga. Love it.

Sometimes I just wonder why, generally speaking, about everything. I rarely get an answer and most of the time I probably don’t want to know, but I still do.

Going to bed on Sunday is tough. It means work in the morning. It’s especially tough after a vacation.

Here’s to the end of a five day break from work.

It’s my Thursday.

I have a daily reprieve from acting like a jerk. Contingent upon reaching out to the universe and asking for a little guidance and support. My days go better when I ask. But when I’m in a terrible mental condition, my ability to be judgmental and insensitive increases exponentially. I don’t like to be that way. When I am that way, whatever I’m being judgmental about is usually something that I’m insecure about within myself. It is always a reflection of something I am lacking that needs to change. The ability to amend bad behavior and be aware of what I’m doing and to recognize that I get to choose how I act going forward is a freedom in itself because I don’t have to be chained to my own negativity. I can be positive, and not let what others do or say affect my mood. Slowly but surely, this becomes truer in my life.

Everyone has value. Including me.

I found pictures from Seattle and now I really want to go back. (I also kinda miss my long hair when I see those pictures)

Donuts are just little pieces of heaven. Man, why are they so good? And SO terrible for you?

Yoga has become something I really look forward to every week. I would love to incorporate more than one class a week into my schedule. I feel more centered and right with the world and the higher power working in my life after class than after any other time.

Ireland is coming up and I’m starting to panic about the little things like ya know, getting from the city to the B&B, wondering if they’ll be nice to me, questioning how much cab rides are really going to be, pondering if I’ve saved enough money or if I’ll have to put some things on credit, will I meet people, what will I learn, where will I love the most, how am I going to get to the tour stop at 7:40 am, etc. Then I think about like, what to do for 11 hours on a plane. I need a new book or two. Mostly I’m excited though. I think it’s probably normal and a little logical to be questioning those kinds of things. Right?

Did I mention already that I got a new bike seat and pedals with straps? Going for another bike ride tomorrow – pretty excited.

Is there some habit that you’d like to change in your life? I always hunch my shoulders. I carry so much tension in my neck and my upper back that I would really like to stop doing that. I’m working on it.

Tomorrow is my last day of work for the week and then I’m taking a trip to Minnesota to unplug. Just a couple of days, but I’m looking forward to it.

I love books.

Friday at work and I still haven’t managed to go to the grocery store. I guess I’ll be doing some slow cooking again this weekend.

Ok, so in theory a paper cut sounds like no big deal. But in practice they hurt worse than a concussion. Why is that? Same thing with stubbed toes.

I always think eating greasy food sounds like a great idea. It’ll be so good! It is never that good. And I always feel terribly uncomfortable after. Why do I do that to myself? #nomoregrease

I took my first bike ride on Wednesday – a total round trip of 9.6 miles. Pretty crazy! It was fun, coming home was a challenge in the wind with a sore ass (that original seat is pretty unforgiving) but I’m looking forward to getting out again.

Ever think about the things you’re challenged by the most and wonder why that is? It takes a lot of work for me to be patient and tolerant. And not just of other people, of myself. I fight every day against my nature because I want to be a better person. And good people are patient and tolerant. And kind, among other things. But I need to remember to be that way with myself as well as with the people around me. I deserve it as much as they do.

Is it normal to be easily bored? Sometimes I just look around and realize I am not being intellectually stimulated at all, and it’s frustrating. I need a good fantasy book to get lost in.

Arthur is ready to be moved to soil. Success!

I need a nap.

Zombie Apocalypse

Upon changing the theme of my blog, it became apparent to me that my entries are quite long. My bad.

I was walking into the office and saw a wooden baseball bat propped up in the back of a small truck and I have questions. Is it for actually playing the sport or is it a weapon? How often is it used? What prompted this person to keep it in the truck? Pick-up games of ball randomly on a Tuesday afternoon or being jumped in the parking lot of a 7/11?

Anyone I know who has traveled to Ireland says the people are all so nice. But then people who are from Ireland say the people are all shites. So, I’m intrigued.

Hearts worn on sleeves are rarely safe, but they’re honest.

What is it about people and food days at work? I mean, every group I’ve been in gets ecstatic over food days. Let’s have a monthly food day! (Please wash your hands before and during prep)

So I was walking back to the parking garage in midtown after watching a few episodes of The Walking Dead on Monday, and it was late, and everything was quiet, and all I could think about was what the place would look like if the zombie apocalypse actually happened. Do you think you’d fare well in the event that happened? I’m not so sure I would. I’d like to think I would. But I dunno. I’m kind of a wuss.

On that note, in Arizona there are some concrete houses built into the side of mountains. Steep mountains that only have one road and could probably have serious storage caves built into the side of said mountains to store food and water and non-perishables. I’m just saying I may have considered their value in the event of zombies when we visited last year.

Arizona was one of the most beautiful places in a very unique way. I’d love to go back.

Seriously. Zombie fortress.

Seriously. Zombie fortress.


Why to fluorescent bulbs buzz?

What makes the air smell like rain? You know the smell I’m talking about. (if you’re from the midwest at least) I love it.

I don’t know why I sometimes feel compelled to sleep on my couch.

Monday workday is over halfway complete.

34 days to my trip.

Could Iron Man have been cast any better? I mean really. (I might have watched that yesterday)

Heart and Brain comics speak to me. I just love them.

Grocery Shopping (I hate grocery shopping)

Do you ever wonder about things like superstitions? Like, is there one if it is stormy and sunny at the same time? And who comes up with those? Where do they originate? They have to start somewhere. This is why history intrigues me.

I wonder how much I’ll actually keep in touch with people while I’m out of town. I should really get in to Verizon and ask about international call plans or something. Maybe Skype would be a better option. I didn’t plan to bring my laptop but I suppose I could in my carry-on. Hmm. I wonder what kind of power converter I need for my plugs.

A whole bathroom of stalls. I’m talking 10 stalls, I’m the only one using the stall, and one of the people who comes in behind me chooses the stall right next to me. Why? WHY? Then comes the cross-stall talking. I can’t do that. It was all kinds of awkward.

I wonder a lot of things. Does everyone wonder a lot of things? Is that normal? I think my brain is just constantly on. On overdrive sometimes.

It’s May

Yoga is magical, exhausting, refreshing and restorative to the soul.

Why do almost all action movies have the protagonist saunter away from an explosion without turning around or being blown forward?

Letting go of something doesn’t necessarily mean saying goodbye, it just means being ok with change.

Does Loki really love Frigga? I mean, was he legitimately saddened at herher death and does he mean what he says to Thor at the end of The Dark World (under the guise of Odin) and on that note, when the guard said they found a body and Odin said Loki, did he know that Loki had taken someone else’s form or did he think Loki died?

Why do some groups of women squeal with delight, loudly? Is it inability to handle the excitement or seeking attention?

How did Stark not know that Obadiah was a bad guy? Seriously that guy screamed asshole.

I bought a bicycle this weekend. I realize I’m going on a trip in a month but there was a sale and I’d wanted one for a long time. Probably could’ve waited, didn’t, real excited to ride it. Probably not today, my woke body aches from yoga and well, it’s about to be thunderstorm central. No complaints here, I love storms.

I can recognize today that my fear of the unknown can be paralyzing, and it can be suffocating, and I hate it. I ask the universe on the regular to help rid me of that fear and learn to be present, and to take actions that enable my present to be enjoyable, lighthearted and happy. Not full of anxiety, fear, insecurity and doubt.

Why do pilots say mayday when going down? Yes I will probably Google that, it just never occurred to me before.

I love origin stories.

I also love carrot cake. I could really enjoy a piece right now.