Mondays man.

How is it that people think a glade plug-in or some Febreze is going to cover the smell of cat pee? Like, really?

What is the point of a group project in an online class?

Can senioritis be a thing, even though I’ve been attending classes off and on for years? I am so close to being done that even the thought of reading the book is annoying.

How many houses on average does a person look at before purchasing – is there data mining for that type of information?

How does one find their dream job/career while also trying to live in the moment and not project into the future?

How am I supposed to wait until May of 2016 for the next Marvel movie? (Ant-Man was pretty sweet, for the record)

My new personal trainer is great, and here’s what I don’t understand – how can I be so funny and laid back with some people and with others I’m just completely tongue-tied? Is it because I “know” I’m not going to impress this kid so I don’t worry so much? I have no idea. It is baffling to me.

Why does time go by quicker on weekend days than it does on weekdays?

13.5 hours

Change is hard. Being willing to take direction and reach out to others makes it easier. Not easy, just, not as challenging as trying to manage everything on my own.

Guardians of the Galaxy is better than I remembered. The music is also awesome. Groot is incredibly well animated – he says so much with his face that he doesn’t really need to be able to say much with his words. And his theme music gives me goosebumps every time. (Big dork, I know. Sue me.)

I packed for Ireland this afternoon and when I was finished, couldn’t really recall everything I’d packed. I’m sure I missed something, but I can buy what I need when I get there.

I had a lot to blog about as the day happened and now that I’m sitting on the couch, every witty thought or random question I had has escaped me.

I’m exhausted but know that I can’t sleep – I have cleaned the kitchen, finished laundry (I had to dry my last little bit at my parents as my dryer broke this afternoon, of course) and made a list of things that need to be done in the morning. I will finish this movie, take a bath and hope that relaxes me enough to catch some zzz’s on the couch.

My cat Nico chases my shadow and I think it’s hilarious.

People watching downtown last night was incredibly entertaining and I’m really glad I didn’t sit at home and do nothing, stuck in my head. I have a pretty awesome support group around me these days.

Bug bites on the feet are pretty horrible. I mean, I can think of a few worse places, but not many.

I’m grateful for the chance to get away. I’m grateful that I know I’ll be missed while I’m gone, and that I’ll come home to people who care about me.

“You said it yourself bitch. We’re the guardians of the galaxy.” What a fantastic line.

I could vacuum. Maybe in the morning.

I’m kinda on vacation time already


Sometimes realizations come quickly. Sometimes slowly. I think the more emotionally invested I am, the longer it takes for realizations to unfold. I heard someone describe the word realize as something becoming real at the very core of your being. I had a realization last night that was as painful as it was freeing. I had a few of those this weekend. What that means for Monday is that I’m a bit lighter and quite a bit more hopeful.

And grateful.

Moving on to lighter topics – back to the Marvel universe because I love it so.


While re-watching Thor for the billionth time, it occurred to me…how did Loki get to Thor while he was being held by S.H.I.E.L.D.? I mean, did he take the Bifrost? I can’t imagine that Heimdall allowed him to go to lie to Thor about Odin being dead…so did he take his secret passage there too? And if that’s the case, how long had he really known that it was there, and had he used it previously for other nefarious or just mischievous mishaps? So many questions.

Arthur’s roots are growing at an alarming rate. I really need to buy a pot for him before I go out of town. I should try to grow another stem in water while I’m gone so he has a friend in his pot. What, you don’t name your plants? You should.

If you could have a fulfilling job that would improve your life, would you move away from everything you know to make it happen? I would consider it. One chance at life, better give it all I’ve got right? Home is always a place I could come back to.

I can’t believe this time next week I’ll be preparing to go to the airport for Ireland. Eeek! (This trip has distracted me from the fact that I’m turning 30)

Here’s a thought that’s bothered me, and I know it’s not just me. How is it in post-apocolyptic shows or zombie shows (read: Walking Dead) girls have impeccable eyebrows and no armpit hair. I mean really, when you’re battling zombies on the regular, do you really take time out of your day to shave and tweeze? and how? How did you find a razor and tweezers? These are the things I notice people.

I am lucky to be graced with some amazing women in my life. I hope I give back to them as much as they give to me!

It’s May

Yoga is magical, exhausting, refreshing and restorative to the soul.

Why do almost all action movies have the protagonist saunter away from an explosion without turning around or being blown forward?

Letting go of something doesn’t necessarily mean saying goodbye, it just means being ok with change.

Does Loki really love Frigga? I mean, was he legitimately saddened at herher death and does he mean what he says to Thor at the end of The Dark World (under the guise of Odin) and on that note, when the guard said they found a body and Odin said Loki, did he know that Loki had taken someone else’s form or did he think Loki died?

Why do some groups of women squeal with delight, loudly? Is it inability to handle the excitement or seeking attention?

How did Stark not know that Obadiah was a bad guy? Seriously that guy screamed asshole.

I bought a bicycle this weekend. I realize I’m going on a trip in a month but there was a sale and I’d wanted one for a long time. Probably could’ve waited, didn’t, real excited to ride it. Probably not today, my woke body aches from yoga and well, it’s about to be thunderstorm central. No complaints here, I love storms.

I can recognize today that my fear of the unknown can be paralyzing, and it can be suffocating, and I hate it. I ask the universe on the regular to help rid me of that fear and learn to be present, and to take actions that enable my present to be enjoyable, lighthearted and happy. Not full of anxiety, fear, insecurity and doubt.

Why do pilots say mayday when going down? Yes I will probably Google that, it just never occurred to me before.

I love origin stories.

I also love carrot cake. I could really enjoy a piece right now.


The human ability to feel multiple emotions at one time is baffling to me. Stop. Just stop it.

I could not work as a promotions person at a cable company, or anywhere else for that matter. No, I don’t want your bundle package with “free” HBO price protected for 40 dollars a month for 12 months. To pat my own back, I did let her complete her delivery before I politely explained that I’m the only person in my home and I don’t watch cable. Of course came the second attempt at a smaller deal for less money. To which I again replied, no thank you. It takes tenacity that I just don’t have. Sales. I am not cut out for it.

You ever get that feeling where physically you know you’re hungry but mentally there is no desire to eat? It doesn’t happen to me very often because, quite frankly, I love food. But that’s where I am today. I know I have a terrible headache because I have had no food or drink since I woke up 5 hours ago, but ugh.

Speaking of food and water – for any Marvel fan out there, please explain something to me if possible. Does Heimdall ever get a break to eat/drink/sleep/potty? I mean, the dude watches over all 9 realms. He’s got special abilities that let him do so. Do those abilities extend to the toilet? Or to dreams? If not, who else is qualified to take over that job while he gets a little shut eye?

When having a bad day, there is something about seeing my mom or dad that allows me to not be strong and just have a cry about it. I’m grateful that my relationship with my parents is such that I am able to do so. I know that is not the case for everyone.

Having a Monster in place of a meal is probably not a good idea, eh?

How does someone steal my credit card information when I have the card on me? Who uses said credit card at a petrol station in the UK for $1.55? I mean, is that the pre-auth charge for a tank of petrol? To credit Capital One, that happened this morning and they put my account on lock down almost immediately. I had two fraudulent transactions worth less than $5. Fist bump Capital One fraud department.

Apparently I had confused or combined RoboCop and Terminator, because I thought RoboCop was a bad guy. (he’s not)

I am reminded that my health plan at work sucks when the doctor suggests I get a CT scan for my head, and I choose to pass because my deductible is so high that I’m unwilling to pay for it. It took me a week before I finally admitted I might need to go to the doctor after an injury! They did the manual test in the office and everything was fine, so I’m fine. I’m still paying off the balance from my bout with the flu last year that left me in the hospital for three days. #grownupproblems

This line from Desiderata gets me every time. It’s on my wall at work and I try to read it daily.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

Goodbye Weekend.

So, yesterday was an amazing day, but stressful. At the end of it though, all the stress was worth it. I do not feel the same way when stressed about things like money. Stressing about money is never as satisfying and I do it way more often. Being grateful for a day full of friends and care is way more rewarding.

Why is it that my bed is absolutely uncomfortable when I go to sleep, but when I jump up in the morning to turn my alarm off and dive back under the covers it takes me no time at all to fall back asleep for that 9 minutes before my snooze goes off?

On that note, what is it about snoozing that is so seemingly satisfying? Like, hey. I totally set this for 20 minutes too early because I want to feel like I’m getting away with something by delaying my inevitable rise from slumber. I’m such a badass. (I’m not)

Why do cats constantly meow for food in their bowls when there is clearly food in the bowl? Seriously.

There is something about a lazy Sunday that is extremely gratifying. Productivity has its benefits, but there’s something to be said for slowing down enough to just be, and to be ok with that. Napping is the shit. (Yes, I still have laundry to finish and food to cook, but it doesn’t have to be done today)

Do animals have good memories? I understand they are teachable, but I mean do my cats remember being in the humane society 7 years ago? How do they perceive time? How is it that they just know that 2 am is the perfect time to tear through the house and play with toys that make noise?

Naturally motivated people are quite fascinating to me. I am equal parts jealous and impressed. I need to finish laundry and cleaning my house, yet here I sit, watching Netflix.

I’ve kept things light so far – please don’t misunderstand. I have plenty of thoughts about more somber topics, or more controversial topics. The thing is, I don’t want to focus on negative things in life, and I’m not one to write for the sake of being sensational or for shock value. Furthermore, my lack of a desire to create negative controversy or invite drama into my life has a direct effect on the things I invest my time in.

Friday. Yes.

There is an almost palpable shift in the air on a Friday in the office. People are nicer, work seems easier, and I can justify almost anything. Watch.

Long lunch? Welp, it’s Friday! Long morning break? No problem, it’s Friday! Nerdy T-shirt and sneakers to work? Who cares…it’s Friday, hello, get with the program.

It’s quite astonishing, really.

Does everyone have music constantly playing in their heads? What’s it like to have a quiet mind? (clearly yoga and meditation has been a struggle for me, but at least I try)

How does a song make its way into a person’s brain? Like, I just started singing that song Roll to Me by Del Amitri. I had to look up the one line of lyrics I actually knew to figure out what the song was. I haven’t heard it in years. That song came out in 1995. I was 10. Seriously, where did it come from?

How does a school bus driver know where all the bus stops are? I mean, 50 kids on a bus is a lot of kids. I thought buses had like a total of 3 stops. And the kids had to get out and walk home from wherever the closest stop was. (I never rode the bus to school) I got stuck behind a school bus in my neighborhood yesterday and he stopped like 6 times in ‘not very far’ which translates to maybe three streets. There are no signs. Does he have to study a map of the city and memorize? Do the kids know and pull a string? I never saw a string on a bus. It has to be the driver. He must be responsible. (I could keep going, seriously)

What possesses a grown person to take another person’s lunch out of the fridge in the break room?

I write/type fridge instead of refrigerator most of the time because I usually spell refrigerator wrong, which is a huge bummer for me as I am typically quite adept at spelling. (yes, I spelled it wrong. It had the red squiggly line of shame)

Why is there a d in fridge? I mean really, where’d it come from?

Why aren’t office dogs standard for corporations? I mean, they’re just so fluffy. What does it take to get a corporation to allow dogs in the workplace? Cats would be a nightmare, I get that. When a person brings a dog to work, how often do they get to take breaks to take the dog outside for walks?

Is there a study that proves seeing outdoors during work increases productivity?

My lack of a window and office dog severely affects my morale at work. I’ve never had an office dog and only briefly had a window, so it probably doesn’t affect it as much as I’m letting on. I just think both would be great.

I love to eat healthy and really dislike cooking. It’s quite the juxtaposition I haven’t quite overcome yet.

I prefer to binge watch the same TV show on repeat on Netflix rather than start something new. I mean, I know there are a lot of good shows out there. I watched Agents of Shield for the first time and now I’m hooked (it’s incredibly cheesy, but it’s Marvel and Phil Coulson so…duh) Peaky Blinders, same thing. I knew nothing about that show except that Cillian Murphy was in it, and he’s probably in my top 3 favorite actors ever (and he’s Irish, so bonus) so I watched it and LOVED it. I guess my hesitation lies in the fact that my time is valuable (although how valuable is debatable, considering my above statement) and I don’t want to waste it trying a new show/movie that ends up just being awful. Clearly, I’m able to get past that on occasion. But sometimes (who am I kidding, most of the time) I’d prefer to watch something I know is going to make me laugh rather than take a guess.

Pizza is my kryptonite. Seriously, if bribing me is in order, good, thin crust pepperoni pizza is probably your best bet. Well, give it a shot anyway.

Most of the time in my life, I am not a very competitive person. Just the way I’m wired. But let me go ahead put this out there for whatever it’s worth. If you challenge me to a game of Scrabble, it is on. I will show no mercy.

This is getting long and I feel like I should end it and just publish another one later if I want. It has been more facts about me this time around as much as random questions/ideas that I ponder. I’m not sorry. I do feel a little bit badly that anyone reading this is hit with a wall of text. But I’m not motivated enough to insert a bunch of images just for the sake of having them included. I prefer clean lines rather than clutter. Thanks Mom.

[Edit: I just saw an article stating there’s a new non-stick coating out that prevents ketchup from sticking to the inside of the bottle. What a time to be alive.]

For your throwback viewing pleasure: