Thurrrrrrrsday (I’m really bad at titles you guys)

So, fun fact. If you start a blog post and then close out of chrome, it does not automatically save in your drafts folder, or in your history, or in your trash folder, or anywhere else humanly possible. Had some gems in that one, will try to recreate, will probably fail.

My work put in automatic paper towel dispensers a few months ago. I have to admit that every time I motion to both the machines and take two paper towels I feel like a rebel. What is the point of going to that? Spending money to install all new dispensers in all the bathrooms, and for what, to regulate how many paper towels we use? Well I’ll SHOW YOU! I’ll take TWO every time! Stickin’ it to the man.

Leg day at the gym today so ask me how I’m feeling on Saturday. This will be my answer.

Lunch with my mom today was fun, as usual. We laugh a lot. She got me a cute little jewelry case for travel.

I watched Steel Magnolias for the first time last night. It was pretty good, but I always think of questions at times when it is inappropriate to ask questions. A child is screaming/crying, and pointing out the front door of the house. Like, screaming bloody murder. How does a director get a child to do such a thing? Take away his toy like a villain and run out the front door so the kid has a tantrum? I’d think that’d be a horrible way to do business. Also, I think of things like, was Julia Roberts actually sleeping when she was in the hospital bed? I can’t imagine so, but her eyeballs didn’t move at all – when I close my eyes and I’m not tired it’s work to keep them closed. My brain. You’re welcome.

I wonder if my cats will be glad when I come home. I realize I haven’t left yet but I know how excited dogs are when you get back from vacation for that long so I just wonder if cats will be.

I’m finding it difficult to focus at work. I am trying. I have one more workday and then I’m off for 14 days. That hasn’t happened in a very long time. I can’t wait!


Do you find yourself trying to do daily activities and struggling, and then suffering embarrassment when someone notices? Monday I was trying to get a paper towel to dry my hands in the bathroom, and I could not get it. It was a brand new roll and someone squeezed that sucker onto the roller and there was clearly no room for the roll to roll. Anyway, I think I may have whimpered a little bit trying to pry the paper towel off, right as another woman walked in. I promptly left the bathroom. With wet hands. I should’ve waited to see how she handled the situation. That probably would’ve been creepier.

I had lunch with my dad yesterday- that was fun. Then I spilled pizza down my shirt. That was not as much fun.

Tell me this. Why is it that when someone sneaks up on someone else in a movie with a weapon, like say, Phil Coulson sneaks up on Loki in the Avengers, why do they always talk first? I mean, I get it. You have something clever or witty to say. Shoot them, and then say your piece. I mean, it’s a classic mistake.

I did not sleep well last night. My brain would not shut down. It was apparently on overdrive, and I couldn’t get comfortable. It was one of those mornings where I was conscious, just waiting for the alarm to go off. Given that, I got to work really early. So, bonus?

I laugh at the same jokes in movies almost every time, or at least smile in appreciation. I am a rewatcher of movies. I guess I just don’t always want to take the chance of watching something new and having it be terrible. Every once in a while I break out, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched some of my favorites. I know all the lines, I know the jokes when they’re coming, and I am still amused. For what it’s worth, don’t try that in real life. If you tell me the same joke every day, there will come a point where I will give you a death stare and walk away before you finish. It does not translate to real life.

Speaking of movies, I can’t wait for Jurassic World. Judge all you want, it looks fantastic.


I have started preliminary packing. Laying things out, etc. I have a birthday to celebrate a bit on Saturday so I have a feeling Sunday is going to be a mad dash to get everything. I can’t figure out if I’m going to under-pack or over-pack. I’m trying not to panic but I’m freaking out a little bit. I need to make a new checklist.

People never cease to amaze me.

Sounds silly, but I was in bed and the cats jumped up last night, and I realized that I’m going to miss them. I’m such a softie. I mean, I know they’ll be fine, but 10 days without someone with them overnight is a long time. I’m lucky I have friends who are willing to come over and spend time with them. They’ve been my comfort and entertainment for the past 7 years, it’s amazing how much a person can love a pet.

(I made a new checklist. I already feel better)

Fashion Trends are Overrated

I need to keep a notepad next to my bed. I have weird dreams.

Seems like waterproof hiking shoes were a good purchase, given the places I’m going and tours I’m taking.

Seems like most women do not wear rain coats. Let’s be honest, I’ll be pegged as a tourist the second I step on the street. After reading about fashion dos and don’ts, I realized that I don’t even follow fashion rules here. Why would I try to overseas? Good grief. I know how to keep it classy and goodness knows I’m not one for high heels or short skirts so, I think we’re good. Layers, hoodies, hat, scarf, who knows what else. (I might be starting to freak out a little bit, just go with it)

A night with a girlfriend is exactly what I needed – the ability to connect with people on an emotional level is something I am grateful for today.

I say ‘What are you doin’ to my cats more often than you might think. 7 years and they still get into all kinds of trouble. In the best way. They make my life more interesting, and definitely keep me on my toes. Love them.

I think having plants in a home is a necessity. I buy ones that can’t easily be killed. It’s better that way.

Building muscle is fun. Now I need to change my diet up just a bit to ensure I’m protecting that muscle (read: more protein).

I haven’t painted in over a month – I hope to do that on Sunday. Make some time to just sit and be and do. It’s been a challenge lately.

It’s supposed to be 60’s and sunny this weekend so I may actually have the opportunity to pull weeds too. A life with a yard.

I have a deluxe Scrabble board that I got for Christmas that has never been used. That really needs to be rectified.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries you guys, I’m telling you. Every character is admirable in some way – the main 4 characters especially. I could go on and on but I won’t – I tend to get a bit verbose on things like that. Just, do yourself a favor and check it out if you like that sort of thing.

Grocery store. Also something I need to do this weekend (as much as I hate it). As close as Ireland is, I still have a week of work, food, chores, and gym to complete, with a few appointments sprinkled in there.

Happy weekend.


It happened. I went a day without posting. But, to be fair, not without writing, because half this post was drafted yesterday and I just didn’t manage to get it published. It was bound to happen but I do not intend for that to become commonplace. I know you were very concerned.

I know my cats love me unconditionally because they still rub their little faces on my arm even though they know they’re going to get shocked. The hesitation before they make contact means they know it’s coming and do it anyway. I’m not sure if that’s stupidity or what, but I’ll take it. I mean come on, we’ve all done dumb things to show someone we care about them, amirite? (I’m totally right)

I pick the nail polish off my fingernails after it starts to peel. The nail polish on my thumbnail is always the most difficult to remove sans nail polish remover. What makes the thumbnail mightier than the rest? Why does the nail polish adhere to it more effectively? I don’t get it.

Who looked at rhubarb and decided it might be a good idea to try to eat it? I mean look, I can enjoy a slice of strawberry rhubarb pie every now and then, but it has to be ice cold with cool whip. That aside, seriously. (I would have died in the ‘hunter/gatherer’ times. Oooo look berries! Why are they so red? Oh well.)

I enjoy working out every time I go but I also enjoy sitting on my couch. So…yeah…

It’s amazing to me the predicaments we as people can get ourselves into (and out of) based on ego, pride, self-centeredness, fear, etc. But equally as surprising are the situations we get into (and out of) based on care, concern, passion, selflessness, empathy, and love. Human emotion is varied, unpredictable and fascinating.

What happens to the phone numbers and email addresses that go unused or sit dormant? Do they eventually just disappear? I mean I made a LOT of email addresses as a pre-teen/teen. Does some program go through and clean them up? Could I be drmrgrl36 again? (I think that was one. Wow. I dunno.)

Interstellar was as good the 3rd time as the 1st. I caught way more watching it at home. I think probably because I wasn’t so caught up in the music that I was able to actually focus on what was happening in the movie.

I don’t know if you guys have figured it out yet but I’m just a big geek/nerd/dork or whatever. I wear Harry Potter and Zelda t-shirts, go on and on about things that aren’t particularly important, think about things I can’t really wrap my mind around (like the vastness of the universe, that one gets me more often than I care to admit) and laugh at my own jokes. I have a Harry Potter tattoo, I saw LOTR in the theater more than 2 or 3 times, I’ve probably got half the Marvel movies embedded in my memory, and playing word games is something I really enjoy doing in my limited spare time. I’m just grateful today that I embrace that instead of hide it.

Ok. What’s with the worm smell after the first few rain showers in the spring? How do people enjoy that smell? I remember walking through my neighborhood as a kid, being seriously grossed out by the earthworms that crawled across the pavement. I’d tiptoe around them and probably squeal a little bit. (Ok, so I’m a little dramatic too. Whatever) I’d also run in fear at the sound of the tornado siren tests on Saturday mornings. I was kind of a wuss.

I’m going to Denver today! Woo! That means I’m spending 8 hours alone in a car today, but the payoff will be SO worth it. Visiting friends and babies, enjoying not being at work, and coming back to what I expect to be quite an enjoyable 1st full week in April.

Have no fear, I still intend on posting every day, even on vacation. There MIGHT even be a second post tonight, just because I’m going to have 8 hours alone in a car to think. (That’s as frightening as it is promising)