To Travel, Always

So, what I’ve found is that watching TV is as much a vacation as being somewhere new. Also, I’ve found about 4 new shows I’d love to get into. Not enough to pay for cable, but I get how people get hooked on so many TV shows.

I met the nicest guy on the plane ride from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale. We talked the whole trip. Considering we took a detour to avoid a storm, it was about 2.5 hours of chatting. You can learn a lot about a person in that time. I love that about traveling. Everyone has a story – and I love when people choose to share their stories with me. He and his wife and their friends nearly missed boarding, so they were all split up. Lucky me, he was so pleasant. He also suggested, after getting to me a little bit, that I should write as well. But what to write? I just have no idea. I know that I love it, but I don’t know what interests people that I have the knowledge to write about. I can write about my experience, that’s all I got. Maybe it’ll be enough someday. I just find it more than coincidence that I continue to hear that from people in my life.

I just want one thing in my life that is mine, ya know? One thing about me that makes me, me. Everything that I do right now is shared by at least one of my family members or friends. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Having said that – what makes me, me? Is it writing? Maybe. I don’t know. I’m in a spot where everything is somewhat up in the air – I think that’s probably a good place to be. It means anything can happen, and I like that idea.

I’m in Fort Lauderdale. The views are incredible. While I will admit, staying on the Gulf side is better for sunsets, I’m quite excited about seeing the sunrise tomorrow morning. The sand is soft and the waves crashing on the shore is mesmerizing. I realize how lucky I am that I have been to so many places and continue to travel. Sometimes I get lonely, especially when couples make up the most of the clientele, however most of the time I relish the solitude. I am more of an independent free spirit than I ever really recognized before. Embracing, owning and honoring that abut myself has been an incredibly rewarding experience.

For now, NCIS is marathoning on USA, which I can watch because I have cable in my hotel room. Fancy. Tomorrow is the World Finals Sand Volleyball Tournament on the beach – along with reading, relaxing, exercising, and just being.

Soak it up.

Friday took forever to get here.

What if what I think is random isn’t so random?

Do you do things you don’t want to do because you know that even if you don’t want to it’s the right thing to do? Adulting.

I am surprised that I am apprehensive to go on vacation tomorrow considering I already traveled alone much further away, but I suppose it’s healthy to be a little afraid. Right? RIGHT?

I am looking forward to reading a lot.

How does one figure out what to write about? Just, generally speaking. Generally.

It’s funny, I see a list of movies that are leaving Netflix and I’m outraged that I didn’t even know some of them were AVAILABLE on Netflix and then I remember I watch the same 2 or 3 shows all the time and consider the fact that maybe I need to branch out more.

If I want to travel internationally again next year, I should start figuring out where I want to go now. Or soon-ish.

Figuring out who I am, what I like and what I want, and learning how to speak up and voice all of that, has been a terrifying and also quite rewarding experience. I get to exercise my right to say yes, and to say no, and deal with whatever the fallout is from those actions. I get to choose. It’s cool. I realize that speaking your mind and saying no when you don’t want to do something or yes when you do may not be new for a lot of people. It is new for me. I’m liking it a lot.

Tattoo in Florida? Mayyyyybe….

Vaca brain

Do you believe in personality quizzes? Have you ever taken any and thought wow, that is spot on? I have. When I answer truthfully I am always surprised at how accurate my results can be. Is it because you see what you want to see in the results? I dunno. Interesting though.

If you could go anywhere alone, where would you go? I’m going to Florida this weekend and I couldn’t be more excited. I love traveling alone. I’m looking forward to ocean views and sand beneath my feet, and doing what I want, when I want.

Looking forward to some meditation and reading this weekend, along with some tasty foods and great photo ops. Now to find my camera…

It’s tattoo time, speaking of doing what I want when I want. I know, I’m ridiculous. I just love them so.

Do you ever think about how many different people there are in the world and how differently they all live their lives and perceive the things around them? Like, it’s no wonder communication is difficult. I love figuring out how people communicate and the mirroring it back to them. I just don’t know what to do with that skill set.

If you could be told what your purpose in life was, would you want to hear? I would.

Getting ahead on homework is a great feeling especially with a vaca coming up. So long suckers!

I’m really ready for the beach.

It’s amazing

I got more likes on a post with a content than a post I put a lot of work into.

When I hit publish there was text here, I swear. I’m sure i managed to do something to snarl it up. I’ll try again. Be patient, blogging from my phone is a pain.

So, I’ve now been to Dublin, Cork, and Killarney. Been to the city centers and the countryside. I’ve seen The Hill of Tara, Trim Castle, Loughcrew, Monasterboice, Drogheda, St. Andrews Church, O’Connell Street, Trinity College, Kinsale, Charles Fort, and the mouth of the Atlantic. I’ve met wonderful people, fed horses apples, been showered with puppy love, walked so far my legs felt those pinpricks when I finally reached my destination, and slept like a rock.

This truly has been an amazing trip and there is still so much ahead of me! I’m incredibly lucky and grateful each day that I’m here, that I saved money so I don’t have to worry about cash (even though actually getting that cash is a pain) and that I’m connected back home with technology.

Killarney so far is the most beautiful city, but the bed and breakfast in Balinhassig outside of Cork has been the best place I’ve stayed. Sweetest hostess with homemade strawberry rhubarb pie to greet me after a long day of travel, 4 dogs, 5 horses, and Billy the pony. Animals fill my cup, and I was loved by the dogs on a day when I was incredibly homesick. Also, the views were amazing.



Billy the pony.

Today is Dingle Bay and Slea Head. 7 hour tour, then dinner in the city center, maybe a ghost tour of the city or maybe another walk back to the bed and breakfast. I love that I can really do whatever I want. It’s really nice.

There is a lot to post, but I smell breakfast and my stomach is now awake. So, more later.

Friday has never taken so long.

I’d like to just point out how absolutely annoying click-bait articles are. You know the ones…

“Child gets insulted in front of class, you’ll NEVER believe what happened next!!”

I rarely, if ever, click on those articles. One, the title is usually misleading. Two, the sources are rarely credible. Three, the whole point of phrasing the article that way is to make people click on the actual site, which generates more “clicks” which I’m sure leads to more money. I get that websites need to make money. But what happened to creative journalism? What happened to having to think up an attention-grabbing article that was a quick summary of the story? I’m not saying it’s ineffective, because that’s not true. It’s very effective, people share those articles all over Facebook. I just think it’s lazy, and incredibly annoying. Maybe that’s me being stubborn, and if so I’m fine with that. Just write a freaking article that is creative and informative and well sourced. Too much to ask? Apparently!

Moving right along…my coworker made me cake for my last day before vacation/early birthday celebration! That was very nice. It’s nice to share that with others – brings comraderie around the cubicles. That being said, I’ve had a healthy serving of that and half a donut already today. So, I’m finally having real food and am grateful for continuously working out. I had considered taking the gym day off but now I may not be able to justify it. We’ll see.

that + whipped cream = dump cake. so good.

I’m slowly chipping away at my list of things to accomplish. People keep saying I’m going to find a fine Irishman and stay there. My boss actually called me Becky McGuillicuddy today. The thing is, I’m not going for anyone or anything but me and myself, because I’m a big nerd and I want to do what I want, when I want. (Don’t worry, I’m coming home. I can tell, you were worried.)

This sums up how I feel about today quite nicely.

I hate when I’m the last person to reply in a group text message. Like, someone else please contribute. Pls.

Isn’t it 3 already?

Thurrrrrrrsday (I’m really bad at titles you guys)

So, fun fact. If you start a blog post and then close out of chrome, it does not automatically save in your drafts folder, or in your history, or in your trash folder, or anywhere else humanly possible. Had some gems in that one, will try to recreate, will probably fail.

My work put in automatic paper towel dispensers a few months ago. I have to admit that every time I motion to both the machines and take two paper towels I feel like a rebel. What is the point of going to that? Spending money to install all new dispensers in all the bathrooms, and for what, to regulate how many paper towels we use? Well I’ll SHOW YOU! I’ll take TWO every time! Stickin’ it to the man.

Leg day at the gym today so ask me how I’m feeling on Saturday. This will be my answer.

Lunch with my mom today was fun, as usual. We laugh a lot. She got me a cute little jewelry case for travel.

I watched Steel Magnolias for the first time last night. It was pretty good, but I always think of questions at times when it is inappropriate to ask questions. A child is screaming/crying, and pointing out the front door of the house. Like, screaming bloody murder. How does a director get a child to do such a thing? Take away his toy like a villain and run out the front door so the kid has a tantrum? I’d think that’d be a horrible way to do business. Also, I think of things like, was Julia Roberts actually sleeping when she was in the hospital bed? I can’t imagine so, but her eyeballs didn’t move at all – when I close my eyes and I’m not tired it’s work to keep them closed. My brain. You’re welcome.

I wonder if my cats will be glad when I come home. I realize I haven’t left yet but I know how excited dogs are when you get back from vacation for that long so I just wonder if cats will be.

I’m finding it difficult to focus at work. I am trying. I have one more workday and then I’m off for 14 days. That hasn’t happened in a very long time. I can’t wait!

I really hate titles.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is the latest Netflix adventure. Set in 1920 Australia. It’s awesome.

I’m tired of waking up anxious every day. What’s that about? Life is too short to worry. I wish the knowledge of that alone was enough to keep the worry away.

Cuddling cats are one of my favorite things about being home.

I love the sky, and the way it can be painted variously throughout the day.


Featured image



I wondered why barns were red. I thought perhaps that was weird until I searched Google and it was the third auto filled question.

On that note, have you ever seen debris from afar on the interstate and thought it was a body? That happened to me today. It was terrifying. Then really embarrassing.

Hot yoga. Love it.

Sometimes I just wonder why, generally speaking, about everything. I rarely get an answer and most of the time I probably don’t want to know, but I still do.

Going to bed on Sunday is tough. It means work in the morning. It’s especially tough after a vacation.

Here’s to the end of a five day break from work.

Zombie Apocalypse

Upon changing the theme of my blog, it became apparent to me that my entries are quite long. My bad.

I was walking into the office and saw a wooden baseball bat propped up in the back of a small truck and I have questions. Is it for actually playing the sport or is it a weapon? How often is it used? What prompted this person to keep it in the truck? Pick-up games of ball randomly on a Tuesday afternoon or being jumped in the parking lot of a 7/11?

Anyone I know who has traveled to Ireland says the people are all so nice. But then people who are from Ireland say the people are all shites. So, I’m intrigued.

Hearts worn on sleeves are rarely safe, but they’re honest.

What is it about people and food days at work? I mean, every group I’ve been in gets ecstatic over food days. Let’s have a monthly food day! (Please wash your hands before and during prep)

So I was walking back to the parking garage in midtown after watching a few episodes of The Walking Dead on Monday, and it was late, and everything was quiet, and all I could think about was what the place would look like if the zombie apocalypse actually happened. Do you think you’d fare well in the event that happened? I’m not so sure I would. I’d like to think I would. But I dunno. I’m kind of a wuss.

On that note, in Arizona there are some concrete houses built into the side of mountains. Steep mountains that only have one road and could probably have serious storage caves built into the side of said mountains to store food and water and non-perishables. I’m just saying I may have considered their value in the event of zombies when we visited last year.

Arizona was one of the most beautiful places in a very unique way. I’d love to go back.

Seriously. Zombie fortress.

Seriously. Zombie fortress.


Why to fluorescent bulbs buzz?

What makes the air smell like rain? You know the smell I’m talking about. (if you’re from the midwest at least) I love it.

I don’t know why I sometimes feel compelled to sleep on my couch.

Monday workday is over halfway complete.

34 days to my trip.

Could Iron Man have been cast any better? I mean really. (I might have watched that yesterday)

Heart and Brain comics speak to me. I just love them.

Grocery Shopping (I hate grocery shopping)

Do you ever wonder about things like superstitions? Like, is there one if it is stormy and sunny at the same time? And who comes up with those? Where do they originate? They have to start somewhere. This is why history intrigues me.

I wonder how much I’ll actually keep in touch with people while I’m out of town. I should really get in to Verizon and ask about international call plans or something. Maybe Skype would be a better option. I didn’t plan to bring my laptop but I suppose I could in my carry-on. Hmm. I wonder what kind of power converter I need for my plugs.

A whole bathroom of stalls. I’m talking 10 stalls, I’m the only one using the stall, and one of the people who comes in behind me chooses the stall right next to me. Why? WHY? Then comes the cross-stall talking. I can’t do that. It was all kinds of awkward.

I wonder a lot of things. Does everyone wonder a lot of things? Is that normal? I think my brain is just constantly on. On overdrive sometimes.


Saturday in Colorado and I woke up without an alarm for the first time in weeks. It was awesome.

I’m not sure that I have allergies, I might just be getting a cold.

Update. Sunday morning. It’s a cold. Yesterday we had a relaxing morning, went to the zoo and abandoned that attempt as the parking lot was just insane. Went to the botanical gardens instead. Beautiful weather.

I took a drive last night and watched the sun set behind the mountains… the colors were just beautiful. I just wonder if, after being here for so long, that awe goes away?

You know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night sick, and your eyes are all watery and dry at the same time, and your nose is stuffed and running at the same time? What is that about?? Being sick is the worst. (Note, I always get whiney when I’m sick. Forgive me)

Morning stretches/push ups rock my world. Just saying.

Why is it sometimes we have crazy dreams? I had crazy dreams last night about crime fighting and I was getting promoted and hanging out with Nick Fury and I was riding a motorcycle. It was awesome. Then I met Damon Benning and he was a superhero. (I love listening to him on 98.5) I don’t always dream like that though and I don’t always remember my dreams either. The human brain is just crazy!

Update: Sunday evening. I have no idea if it’s a cold or allergies but whatever it is can just go away any time now!

I don’t have a lot of questions today. Just gratitude for a good trip, a safe drive both ways, my couch and my Netflix. (I have my bags unpacked and laundry going, thank you very much)

Most interesting sign I saw?

Caution: Correctional facility. Do not stop for hitchhikers.

I laughed out loud and then immediately wondered if a specific event occurred to spur that sign’s creation, or if it was just a cautionary post.