Why aren’t there resealable bags for cereal?

What happens if a cop pulls you over and they have a headlight out? Can you say something about it? Do they do once-overs on their cars before they go out on patrol? “Hey Bob, can you check my taillights?”

What is it about food days at work? It’s like the only thing that we can get excited about. Happy Friday! Stuff your face! But one of my aisle-mates brought homemade salsa so I am pretty stoked about that.

Why can’t I seem to take my contacts out on a regular basis? I did last night and today my eyes will not stop watering. I really need to get in the habit of taking them out more, I don’t want to do permanent damage to my eyes. Besides, my glasses are pretty adorable.

How crazy is it that just over 4 years ago I had no chance of doing anything based on my credit score, and today I’ve been pre-approved for a house?! (It’s pretty crazy)

What even are allergies? I mean, how do they just randomly show up in a person at 30? Have they been lying dormant in my body this whole time?

School starts in just over a week. I’m so close to being done I can taste it.

My life is so full today – I’m really quite lucky.

Kick Monday’s Ass

I’ve been away for a few days. It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s just that my life gets so busy that I hardly have time to think straight! Then, when I do have time over the weekend, I’m usually in the company of someone else, and the last thing I want to do at that point is plug back into my computer. I stare at a screen a lot during the week, so weekend posting is hit and miss, for sure.

Why is driving in the rain so exhausting? I love the sound of rain, sitting on the porch or in my house, but pounding on the exterior of my car it becomes quite annoying.

Words have the ability to cut a person down or build them up. Even the tone of how words are said can be a determining factor in how they are perceived by others. I have to remember that. Words are powerful. I still remember kind, and mean, things that were said to me as far back as 2nd grade, so ya know, I need to be conscious of my words and choose them carefully.

I wish that I could capture a moment in time in my brain and freeze frame it forever. Wouldn’t that be a cool superpower? I mean, I have memories that I can look back on but they always fade or become more challenging to pull up because of all the life I continue to live.

I wonder what it is like to go to work every day doing what you’re passionate about. I know several people who wake up and are thrilled to go in to work. It’s not that I hate my job, because I don’t. I just, ya know those people who are like, I was born to do this. And they do it and they get paid for it? Lucky.

What is it about a made bed that makes me feel like I’ve got my life together?

It amazes me that the whole weekend is over already. It was such a whirlwind. Constantly moving, which isn’t a bad thing.

Choir concert last night with Ola Gjelo was great. Far drive in the rain two days in a row, but it was a fun performance. On that note (see what I did there, with the pun?) choir rehearsal was cancelled for tonight and I’m a little bit excited about having a night to get some things done around the house, without having to leave for anything.

It also amazes me that I can be excited for a night to get my house cleaned and food cooked for the week. Clearly, I like to live on the edge.

People in this world can do outstanding things. Trying to focus on that rather than all the calamity in the world helps me to stay positive. Not that I want to be ignorant or uninformed, but I don’t want the world to drag me down.

Why does one side of the nose get clogged and when does the body decide it’s time to switch sides and how does that decision get made? Like, ok left nostril, you’ve put in your work for the morning, it’s time for everything to switch sides. Congestion, retreat to the alternate side and resume your business. What? I don’t get that.

I want a big bowl of creamy chicken alfredo pasta. I want to eat every bite without feeling guilty. Since that will never, ever happen, what I’ll do is not that. But man, it is definitely one of my favorite things. (Mmm food)

I also really enjoy napping. I managed to sneak in a 20 minute nap on Saturday, which was refreshing enough to get through the next portion of the day, but I adore falling asleep on the couch for an hour. It’s bad when I wake up in the morning and within the first few minutes of stretching and making my bed, start thinking about how great it will be to nap. I used to nap to escape, but now I nap because I’m up enjoying my life so much that I’ll take sleep when I can get it. (word)

My life is really, really good today. And I can see how good it is, and I’m grateful for that.


Saturday in Colorado and I woke up without an alarm for the first time in weeks. It was awesome.

I’m not sure that I have allergies, I might just be getting a cold.

Update. Sunday morning. It’s a cold. Yesterday we had a relaxing morning, went to the zoo and abandoned that attempt as the parking lot was just insane. Went to the botanical gardens instead. Beautiful weather.

I took a drive last night and watched the sun set behind the mountains… the colors were just beautiful. I just wonder if, after being here for so long, that awe goes away?

You know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night sick, and your eyes are all watery and dry at the same time, and your nose is stuffed and running at the same time? What is that about?? Being sick is the worst. (Note, I always get whiney when I’m sick. Forgive me)

Morning stretches/push ups rock my world. Just saying.

Why is it sometimes we have crazy dreams? I had crazy dreams last night about crime fighting and I was getting promoted and hanging out with Nick Fury and I was riding a motorcycle. It was awesome. Then I met Damon Benning and he was a superhero. (I love listening to him on 98.5) I don’t always dream like that though and I don’t always remember my dreams either. The human brain is just crazy!

Update: Sunday evening. I have no idea if it’s a cold or allergies but whatever it is can just go away any time now!

I don’t have a lot of questions today. Just gratitude for a good trip, a safe drive both ways, my couch and my Netflix. (I have my bags unpacked and laundry going, thank you very much)

Most interesting sign I saw?

Caution: Correctional facility. Do not stop for hitchhikers.

I laughed out loud and then immediately wondered if a specific event occurred to spur that sign’s creation, or if it was just a cautionary post.

Short and sweet.

A brief post today. You’re welcome.

Having a baby may not be high on my priority list, but being around one is a ton of fun.

I understand its fun because I’m not changing diapers or nursing.

Yogurt dipped pretzels are amazing.

What is it about mothers? They have a language only they speak, and it’s easy to spot one because the child is attached, somehow. Usually. I have a language limited to certain groups, but most of those groups are totally nerdy and not really promoted. It’s why I wear nerd shirts. Every once in a while I meet one in the outernet. It’s fun.

Being in Colorado has confirmed that I do, in fact, have allergies. Sigh.

How is one nostril clear and then an hour later they switch? What’s with that?

Being able to see my friend is worth the trip every time. Our ability to be real and honest with one another and to be able to pick up as if no time has passed is a gift and it’s something I’m grateful for. She’s always been a safe harbor for me. I’m very lucky.

Dogs man, I love them!

Why does my eye randomly start twitching? Like, not just a little bit either. So annoying!