A new project is like Christmas

I’m incredibly indecisive. That being said, I’ve been mulling over redoing my bedroom for some time now. I am just over the blue/brown palette I’ve used for oh…ever. So, I bought this painting:


Now, I can pick color based on that piece of artwork rather than guessing. Also, it opens up opportunities for colored accent furniture and the like, which translates to: I’ll be painting the furniture I already have because we all know I’m not buying new when I can redo old. I’m pretty excited about it.

It’s interesting to learn that I don’t like foods I once craved like mad.

My friends threw me a surprise 30th birthday party. Caught me completely off guard and was pretty outstanding. It’s nice to be reminded of the gifts I have today. My friends are awesome.

I walked right into a spider web this morning, half awake in my pajamas, stumbling outside to try to capture a picture of the sunrise off my deck. It was one of those moments where I kinda hoped someone saw me and laughed, because it was straight out of a movie. Luckily, the spider remained on his web over the door. Clearly, I don’t go out back much. The picture turned out ok though, so there’s that. (I ran inside and slammed the door like the scaredy-cat I am)

I have to figure out how to use the sander this weekend. I’ve only had it for a year…

If a guy reaches out to me on Facebook and says that he saw one of my posts from earlier in the week and sends me an article related to that post, is that flirting? Or just being nice? I can’t tell. To be honest, he could say “I think you’re really cute and I’d like to take you out” and I’d still probably ask him if he was sure.

13.5 hours

Change is hard. Being willing to take direction and reach out to others makes it easier. Not easy, just, not as challenging as trying to manage everything on my own.

Guardians of the Galaxy is better than I remembered. The music is also awesome. Groot is incredibly well animated – he says so much with his face that he doesn’t really need to be able to say much with his words. And his theme music gives me goosebumps every time. (Big dork, I know. Sue me.)

I packed for Ireland this afternoon and when I was finished, couldn’t really recall everything I’d packed. I’m sure I missed something, but I can buy what I need when I get there.

I had a lot to blog about as the day happened and now that I’m sitting on the couch, every witty thought or random question I had has escaped me.

I’m exhausted but know that I can’t sleep – I have cleaned the kitchen, finished laundry (I had to dry my last little bit at my parents as my dryer broke this afternoon, of course) and made a list of things that need to be done in the morning. I will finish this movie, take a bath and hope that relaxes me enough to catch some zzz’s on the couch.

My cat Nico chases my shadow and I think it’s hilarious.

People watching downtown last night was incredibly entertaining and I’m really glad I didn’t sit at home and do nothing, stuck in my head. I have a pretty awesome support group around me these days.

Bug bites on the feet are pretty horrible. I mean, I can think of a few worse places, but not many.

I’m grateful for the chance to get away. I’m grateful that I know I’ll be missed while I’m gone, and that I’ll come home to people who care about me.

“You said it yourself bitch. We’re the guardians of the galaxy.” What a fantastic line.

I could vacuum. Maybe in the morning.

Friday has never taken so long.

I’d like to just point out how absolutely annoying click-bait articles are. You know the ones…

“Child gets insulted in front of class, you’ll NEVER believe what happened next!!”

I rarely, if ever, click on those articles. One, the title is usually misleading. Two, the sources are rarely credible. Three, the whole point of phrasing the article that way is to make people click on the actual site, which generates more “clicks” which I’m sure leads to more money. I get that websites need to make money. But what happened to creative journalism? What happened to having to think up an attention-grabbing article that was a quick summary of the story? I’m not saying it’s ineffective, because that’s not true. It’s very effective, people share those articles all over Facebook. I just think it’s lazy, and incredibly annoying. Maybe that’s me being stubborn, and if so I’m fine with that. Just write a freaking article that is creative and informative and well sourced. Too much to ask? Apparently!

Moving right along…my coworker made me cake for my last day before vacation/early birthday celebration! That was very nice. It’s nice to share that with others – brings comraderie around the cubicles. That being said, I’ve had a healthy serving of that and half a donut already today. So, I’m finally having real food and am grateful for continuously working out. I had considered taking the gym day off but now I may not be able to justify it. We’ll see.

that + whipped cream = dump cake. so good.

I’m slowly chipping away at my list of things to accomplish. People keep saying I’m going to find a fine Irishman and stay there. My boss actually called me Becky McGuillicuddy today. The thing is, I’m not going for anyone or anything but me and myself, because I’m a big nerd and I want to do what I want, when I want. (Don’t worry, I’m coming home. I can tell, you were worried.)

This sums up how I feel about today quite nicely.

I hate when I’m the last person to reply in a group text message. Like, someone else please contribute. Pls.

Isn’t it 3 already?

Goodbye Weekend.

So, yesterday was an amazing day, but stressful. At the end of it though, all the stress was worth it. I do not feel the same way when stressed about things like money. Stressing about money is never as satisfying and I do it way more often. Being grateful for a day full of friends and care is way more rewarding.

Why is it that my bed is absolutely uncomfortable when I go to sleep, but when I jump up in the morning to turn my alarm off and dive back under the covers it takes me no time at all to fall back asleep for that 9 minutes before my snooze goes off?

On that note, what is it about snoozing that is so seemingly satisfying? Like, hey. I totally set this for 20 minutes too early because I want to feel like I’m getting away with something by delaying my inevitable rise from slumber. I’m such a badass. (I’m not)

Why do cats constantly meow for food in their bowls when there is clearly food in the bowl? Seriously.

There is something about a lazy Sunday that is extremely gratifying. Productivity has its benefits, but there’s something to be said for slowing down enough to just be, and to be ok with that. Napping is the shit. (Yes, I still have laundry to finish and food to cook, but it doesn’t have to be done today)

Do animals have good memories? I understand they are teachable, but I mean do my cats remember being in the humane society 7 years ago? How do they perceive time? How is it that they just know that 2 am is the perfect time to tear through the house and play with toys that make noise?

Naturally motivated people are quite fascinating to me. I am equal parts jealous and impressed. I need to finish laundry and cleaning my house, yet here I sit, watching Netflix.

I’ve kept things light so far – please don’t misunderstand. I have plenty of thoughts about more somber topics, or more controversial topics. The thing is, I don’t want to focus on negative things in life, and I’m not one to write for the sake of being sensational or for shock value. Furthermore, my lack of a desire to create negative controversy or invite drama into my life has a direct effect on the things I invest my time in.

It’s A Good Day.

Why is it that the second I lay down for a power nap I think of all the things I could be doing instead, utilizing the short amount of time I have for rest to instead plan my mode of attack?

Are ‘Senior citizen parking only’ signs upheld by law? Like, if I park in one and get caught is that a punishable offense? Do I get fined or just shamed?

Why is it so refreshing to spend time in a clean house but such a challenge to actually do the cleaning?

I swear, any time I’m not at home, I only have to go to the bathroom at the most inopportune times.

Is it a fashion faux pas to wear sandals in 55° weather because I’m wishing for it to be warmer? (If that’s wrong I don’t want to be right)

Stomach noises are incredibly embarrassing and totally outside my control, which just makes it worse.

The enjoyment from giving to others surpasses joy from getting, in my experience. The well crafted gift is quite amazing to give. I enjoy bringing joy to others if I can.

Why is it that, when in a rush at the store, there’s inevitably a person insistent on paying with exact change?

Spring in Nebraska is deceiving. Too many chances for winter, or summer, to intervene, momentarily, and invite either panic (I’m so done with you winter) or fleeting joy (80°? Please stay!)

Writing every day is a challenge, not because I don’t have the content, but it’s a new discipline I must turn into a habit.

Celebrating the birthday of a man I extremely care for tonight. My life is full of great things.