I think. A lot.

I don’t have many life-changing ideas to share with the world. I don’t even have great advice. I have some experiences, but I’m not sure they’re noteworthy. They’re mine, I suppose, which makes them unique, and perhaps valuable to a degree if I run into someone in the same situation I found myself in, who might be looking for some direction.

What I do have for certain is a laundry list of random thoughts that come through my brain like:

What does a massage therapist think about during 1.5 hours of silent muscle-rubbing of a complete stranger?

What happens to abandoned cars? Why did the person abandon it? Where did they go? Did they owe money on it still? Are they delinquent at the bank? Are they on the run? (this one goes on and on)

Why is it that the sound of fingernail clippers literally makes me cringe?

Is it ironic that I have a comic on my work cubicle that talks about hating work and playing games online instead? (theawkwardyeti.com – check him out)

Do my coworkers ever fall asleep, do workouts, or other crazy things in their cubicles when they think no one is looking?

Why does my tinnitus randomly split into two pitches? What causes tinnitus? How did I get it? (I thought everyone had ringing in their ears)

So…anyway. This blog is basically going to be my dumping ground for the things I think of, on the regular. Maybe they will be amusing, maybe not, but they will be authentic, and my Facebook friends will be grateful I’ve found another outlet.

Seriously though, we’ve put men on the moon, a robot on mars, recreated mammoth DNA in elephant cells (or something like that, idk I’m not a scientist) but canker sores and tinnitus still remain a mystery.

(edit, I found it. http://io9.com/scientists-have-transplanted-mammoth-dna-into-elephant-1693089895 I was totally right)