To Travel, Always

So, what I’ve found is that watching TV is as much a vacation as being somewhere new. Also, I’ve found about 4 new shows I’d love to get into. Not enough to pay for cable, but I get how people get hooked on so many TV shows.

I met the nicest guy on the plane ride from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale. We talked the whole trip. Considering we took a detour to avoid a storm, it was about 2.5 hours of chatting. You can learn a lot about a person in that time. I love that about traveling. Everyone has a story – and I love when people choose to share their stories with me. He and his wife and their friends nearly missed boarding, so they were all split up. Lucky me, he was so pleasant. He also suggested, after getting to me a little bit, that I should write as well. But what to write? I just have no idea. I know that I love it, but I don’t know what interests people that I have the knowledge to write about. I can write about my experience, that’s all I got. Maybe it’ll be enough someday. I just find it more than coincidence that I continue to hear that from people in my life.

I just want one thing in my life that is mine, ya know? One thing about me that makes me, me. Everything that I do right now is shared by at least one of my family members or friends. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Having said that – what makes me, me? Is it writing? Maybe. I don’t know. I’m in a spot where everything is somewhat up in the air – I think that’s probably a good place to be. It means anything can happen, and I like that idea.

I’m in Fort Lauderdale. The views are incredible. While I will admit, staying on the Gulf side is better for sunsets, I’m quite excited about seeing the sunrise tomorrow morning. The sand is soft and the waves crashing on the shore is mesmerizing. I realize how lucky I am that I have been to so many places and continue to travel. Sometimes I get lonely, especially when couples make up the most of the clientele, however most of the time I relish the solitude. I am more of an independent free spirit than I ever really recognized before. Embracing, owning and honoring that abut myself has been an incredibly rewarding experience.

For now, NCIS is marathoning on USA, which I can watch because I have cable in my hotel room. Fancy. Tomorrow is the World Finals Sand Volleyball Tournament on the beach – along with reading, relaxing, exercising, and just being.

Soak it up.

Vaca brain

Do you believe in personality quizzes? Have you ever taken any and thought wow, that is spot on? I have. When I answer truthfully I am always surprised at how accurate my results can be. Is it because you see what you want to see in the results? I dunno. Interesting though.

If you could go anywhere alone, where would you go? I’m going to Florida this weekend and I couldn’t be more excited. I love traveling alone. I’m looking forward to ocean views and sand beneath my feet, and doing what I want, when I want.

Looking forward to some meditation and reading this weekend, along with some tasty foods and great photo ops. Now to find my camera…

It’s tattoo time, speaking of doing what I want when I want. I know, I’m ridiculous. I just love them so.

Do you ever think about how many different people there are in the world and how differently they all live their lives and perceive the things around them? Like, it’s no wonder communication is difficult. I love figuring out how people communicate and the mirroring it back to them. I just don’t know what to do with that skill set.

If you could be told what your purpose in life was, would you want to hear? I would.

Getting ahead on homework is a great feeling especially with a vaca coming up. So long suckers!

I’m really ready for the beach.

Solo road trip.

I took a lot of notes on the road. At this point I’m at a hotel in Sterling, CO. I knew there was potential for a wintery mix, but I was not prepared for lack of visibility and freezing slush on the roads. Add commercial and semi tucks driving like the roads were dry, spraying slush onto my windshield, and passing without signaling, and I was done. The first hotel had no rooms, the second only had two. $150 but WiFi and hot breakfast included, and I didn’t have to get back on the road. Sold.

The pizza delivery guy brought multiple plates with my order. Not sure if he thought I was sharing, or if he thought I’d actually use a plate. (I ate straight from the box, cross-legged on the bed watching The Lego Movie)

I’m grateful there’s a fridge in here…I have a lot of food left over.

Just finished watching The Rock. It’s so good.

So, some road observations:

I find when starting out a road trip alone, I run through every worst case scenario possible. I also have to remind myself multiple times that I’m fully capable of changing a tire, filling them with air, and checking my fluids.

I noticed a few guys outside working, just walking by the road and it struck me that I’ve never heard someone with a job like that say, I would love to have a desk job. I’m sure the weather extremes suck, but it must be nice to be outside. I love being outside.

I like trying to figure out in my head what time I’ll get to a city. When i was a kid I always asked my dad how he knew down to the minute and now it’s fun for me. (I never claimed to be cool)

It’s extremely challenging for me get to my air settings comfortable. Like, first it’s too cold, then it’s just my feet that are too cold, pull up my sleeves, pull down my sleeves, adjust the direction of the airflow…it’s ridiculous.

“I’m not hungry, I’m just bored” I said repeatedly. Seriously, what is it about road trips that makes me want to just eat junk food? I managed to keep it to chex mix and almonds, with cheese and crackers for lunch.

I still hate driving over bridges.

After I passed North Platte I had a Samwise Gamgee moment. It was the furthest west I’d ever driven.

I passed a flat bed trailer carrying what looked like a WWII era tank and a soccer mom minivan and I have questions.

Does anyone know the specific reason hitchhiking is illegal or do we all just assume it’s because of people who hurt other people? I guess what I mean is what was the catalyst that pushed the law to be signed?

I need to work out tomorrow. Squatting and lifting baby Jackson totally counts. I can’t wait! Stupid snow, go away!