Mondays man.

How is it that people think a glade plug-in or some Febreze is going to cover the smell of cat pee? Like, really?

What is the point of a group project in an online class?

Can senioritis be a thing, even though I’ve been attending classes off and on for years? I am so close to being done that even the thought of reading the book is annoying.

How many houses on average does a person look at before purchasing – is there data mining for that type of information?

How does one find their dream job/career while also trying to live in the moment and not project into the future?

How am I supposed to wait until May of 2016 for the next Marvel movie? (Ant-Man was pretty sweet, for the record)

My new personal trainer is great, and here’s what I don’t understand – how can I be so funny and laid back with some people and with others I’m just completely tongue-tied? Is it because I “know” I’m not going to impress this kid so I don’t worry so much? I have no idea. It is baffling to me.

Why does time go by quicker on weekend days than it does on weekdays?

I love books.

Friday at work and I still haven’t managed to go to the grocery store. I guess I’ll be doing some slow cooking again this weekend.

Ok, so in theory a paper cut sounds like no big deal. But in practice they hurt worse than a concussion. Why is that? Same thing with stubbed toes.

I always think eating greasy food sounds like a great idea. It’ll be so good! It is never that good. And I always feel terribly uncomfortable after. Why do I do that to myself? #nomoregrease

I took my first bike ride on Wednesday – a total round trip of 9.6 miles. Pretty crazy! It was fun, coming home was a challenge in the wind with a sore ass (that original seat is pretty unforgiving) but I’m looking forward to getting out again.

Ever think about the things you’re challenged by the most and wonder why that is? It takes a lot of work for me to be patient and tolerant. And not just of other people, of myself. I fight every day against my nature because I want to be a better person. And good people are patient and tolerant. And kind, among other things. But I need to remember to be that way with myself as well as with the people around me. I deserve it as much as they do.

Is it normal to be easily bored? Sometimes I just look around and realize I am not being intellectually stimulated at all, and it’s frustrating. I need a good fantasy book to get lost in.

Arthur is ready to be moved to soil. Success!

I need a nap.

Solo road trip.

I took a lot of notes on the road. At this point I’m at a hotel in Sterling, CO. I knew there was potential for a wintery mix, but I was not prepared for lack of visibility and freezing slush on the roads. Add commercial and semi tucks driving like the roads were dry, spraying slush onto my windshield, and passing without signaling, and I was done. The first hotel had no rooms, the second only had two. $150 but WiFi and hot breakfast included, and I didn’t have to get back on the road. Sold.

The pizza delivery guy brought multiple plates with my order. Not sure if he thought I was sharing, or if he thought I’d actually use a plate. (I ate straight from the box, cross-legged on the bed watching The Lego Movie)

I’m grateful there’s a fridge in here…I have a lot of food left over.

Just finished watching The Rock. It’s so good.

So, some road observations:

I find when starting out a road trip alone, I run through every worst case scenario possible. I also have to remind myself multiple times that I’m fully capable of changing a tire, filling them with air, and checking my fluids.

I noticed a few guys outside working, just walking by the road and it struck me that I’ve never heard someone with a job like that say, I would love to have a desk job. I’m sure the weather extremes suck, but it must be nice to be outside. I love being outside.

I like trying to figure out in my head what time I’ll get to a city. When i was a kid I always asked my dad how he knew down to the minute and now it’s fun for me. (I never claimed to be cool)

It’s extremely challenging for me get to my air settings comfortable. Like, first it’s too cold, then it’s just my feet that are too cold, pull up my sleeves, pull down my sleeves, adjust the direction of the airflow…it’s ridiculous.

“I’m not hungry, I’m just bored” I said repeatedly. Seriously, what is it about road trips that makes me want to just eat junk food? I managed to keep it to chex mix and almonds, with cheese and crackers for lunch.

I still hate driving over bridges.

After I passed North Platte I had a Samwise Gamgee moment. It was the furthest west I’d ever driven.

I passed a flat bed trailer carrying what looked like a WWII era tank and a soccer mom minivan and I have questions.

Does anyone know the specific reason hitchhiking is illegal or do we all just assume it’s because of people who hurt other people? I guess what I mean is what was the catalyst that pushed the law to be signed?

I need to work out tomorrow. Squatting and lifting baby Jackson totally counts. I can’t wait! Stupid snow, go away!