Turn down the volume please.

Sometimes I forget I have freckles. Then someone points them out and I’m instantly self-conscious about them.

Amazon Prime now has streaming music and that’s awesome.

I slammed my head into my freezer door handle yesterday and now I can’t raise my eyebrows without pain. Which is too bad, because I’ve come to realize I raise my eyebrows a lot, generally speaking. (update: my head really hurts)

Why is going to the movie theater so appealing? I mean, thankfully the past few times I have gone, it has been at down times crowd-wise so the theater has been quiet, but the movie costs a small fortune with popcorn and soda. Thankfully I have a student ID, but still.

The feeling of love, loving someone and being loved, is intoxicating. It is therapeutic on a sad day. It is light in the darkness. I am surrounded by family and friends that love me and allow me to love them. It’s an amazing thing.

What deems a handbag worthy of costing so much damn money? Seriously? $495 for a purse? Think of all the gas tanks and bills that would cover! And Chipotle! (Apparently I am what you call ‘low maintenance’ which sounds like a negative thing but I think it’s probably ok)

I don’t get why businesses give out little to no sick time for employees to take. I mean, logically I understand it costs money to either pay them to be gone or to not pay them to be gone but to be down a body – however – isn’t it appropriate to keep sickness away from infecting other people in the workforce? Seriously.

Seriously. Fingernail clipping at work has got to stop. Every snip sends shivers down my spine.

What is it about the sunshine makes everything more enjoyable?

I find that often I am in the middle of a situation and I have no idea how I got there. Usually work related. I’ll find myself on a call wondering how it is that I was brought into the discussion in the first place. I tend to solidify my place fairly quickly but it is a strange occurrence.

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