Oreos without milk? Heathen.

I trip over nothing on a consistent basis.

I’m astonished at the number of times people can be told something without them listening.

Do ever notice something that you do without realizing it, and then become acutely aware of that thing? I clench my jaw and my fists. I don’t know that I’m doing it, and then I’ll get a pull in my neck or my hands will start to ache and I’m like wow, stop doing that thing, only to go through it all again. I wonder why that is.

I was told that I’m crazy, based on the things I share here. Which, is probably true.

Yes. Please. Please leave your cell phone ringer on blast and, once it starts ringing, listen to the whole song before you answer. Also, if you could do that while I’m on a call with senior management, that would be ideal. That way I have the opportunity to explain it to them.

I want to be a good cook. I am not a good cook. I’m not a terrible cook, but because I don’t know what flavors should go together, I really depend on recipes to help me. So, I’m going to try using my crock pots tomorrow. Shredded beef dip and salsa chicken. (I am wary)

People who intentionally try to get under the skin of others are incredibly rude.

If a butterfly lands on you, the rest of the day just has to be awesome right? That didn’t happen to me today but I just figured that if it did…

How does it make sense that I feel like I need to get in shape to be seen at the gym? Seriously? HELLO, Earth to me! Although, to be fair, I see a lot of gym shaming pictures online, which kind of breaks my heart. People are going there to better themselves, maybe rather than posting pictures online you could encourage or help them. #justsayin

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